Visuals Available

For lots of photos of the Mudges in Action in Peru, log on to facebook and type "shaw mudge" in the search box.

For videos, log on to youtube and type "ShawMJR" in the search box.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

2 Thessalonians 2:16
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

We thank You, Lord, for encouragement and good hope for the Mudges. We praise You for the provisions that You have already provided for them: spiritual guidance, financial support, and help with all the organizational details necessary for long term mission work. Continue, Lord, to strengthen Fr. Shaw, Mother Julie, and Lydia Mudge
in every good deed and word.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mudge Update: Fr. Shaw had a meeting with Stewart Wicker of SAMS for lunch this week. Mr. Wicker believes that the Mudges are in good shape for SAMS certification at the appropriate moment for a late March departure for Peru. The travel arrangements have been made for a February 9th start at Mission Training International in Colorado.

Luke 22:35
When I sent you out without a purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?

We thank You Lord that the Mudges will lack not a thing as they get ready to serve You in Peru. We just ask for your blessings for them. And we humbly pray for their mission and for ours in the following prayer.

Lord, teach us anew to go out into the world and tell the good news. Teach us to go with nothing, so that we might appreciate how much we have. Teach us to appreciate and use what you give us: hands, eyes, ears, skills, and money. And through all, prayer; and through all, the love of God. Amen.

(from the commentary for December 13 in Forward Day by Day.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Psalm 20:4-5
May the Lord give you the desire of your heart
And make all your plans succeed.
We will shout for joy when you are victorious
And will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord grant all your requests.

We ask, Lord, that You look favorably upon the Mudges and grant them the desires of their hearts. Please make their plans succeed and bless them with answers to their prayers and ours. We pray about financial provision and arrangements being made for mission training in Colorado and for the hoped for departure to Peru at the end of March. In the name of Jesus, Our Savior, we pray for Fr. Shaw, Mother Julie, and Lydia Mudge. Amen.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Update from Father Shaw

The Mudge family remains at Christ's Church, Duanesburg, through January (their last Sunday there is January 25th, the annual meeting date). In February through the middle of March, they plan to be at mission training in Colorado. As soon as possible after March 23, they head for
Peru. The Mudges are still in need of large or small monthly donations. If you have not already pledged, please pray about doing so. And definitely pray that the financial shortfall is erased well before February 1.

Monday, December 1, 2008

General Prayer with Logos

We pray for the South American Missionary Society and for the Diocese of Peru. We pray for the Mudges, Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia. May they soon reach their financial goal. Father God, send them every blessing that they need. Amen.