Visuals Available

For lots of photos of the Mudges in Action in Peru, log on to facebook and type "shaw mudge" in the search box.

For videos, log on to youtube and type "ShawMJR" in the search box.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Scripture Prayer

1 Timothy 5:17

Give double honor to spiritual leaders who handle their duties well. This is especially true if they work hard at teaching the word of God.

Father God, we honor the Mudges, Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia. They handle their duties well and they work hard at teaching Your Word. Thank You for the opportunities that You have given them to teach and minister in Peru. Thank You that they have had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many seminarians and church members in Lima. Thank You for filling them with Your Holy Spirit, enabling them to spread the knowledge and love of Jesus so effectively.

We pray, Lord, for a good week of rest and relaxation and visiting with family. Grant the Mudges refreshment, recreation and renewal. Keep all safe as Lydia learns to drive. Be with Hannah as she gets ready to be ordained to the diaconate. And be with them all as they prepare for their presentations at the Diocesan Convention.

We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail.


1) For: a great week of three college interviews, arriving back in the Diocese of Albany, the opportunity to meet friends and make new friends, the great presentations at the Diocesan Mission Conference at St. John's in Troy on Saturday, that Lydia's LEAH prom went well, for the arrival of Hannah and Christina in the Diocese of Albany, and for getting our car up and going.

2) That two brilliant church planters (Hannah and Christina) in the Diocese of Albany have the opportunity to stay with us while we are in the Diocese of Albany.

3) That Tom Gizara was able to connect with us, so that we can prepare for our Diocesan Convention booth presentation. Thank you Tom, for taking care of these materials.

4) For the photos of Peru from Fr. Ian Montgomery which were helpful for our Peru presentation at the Missions Conference and will be helpful for Lydia's Peru presentation to the youth at Diocesan Convention.

5) For the support of the Diocesan Mission Committee, and for all they do, to promote long and short-term missions in the Diocese of Albany.

6) That Lydia got her learner's driver's permit, and that she has had very good driving lessons, so far.

7) That the plans for the Diocesan Short-term Mission trip in Peru in July are making progress.

8) For the opportunities of the Holy Spirit to transform people's lives by what we do, and to be able to make a difference. Thank you for your part in that.

9) For Torre Bissell's talk on Sunday about the impact of the Holy Spirit on his praying and reading the Bible:


1) For safe and timely travel this week, in our goings back and forth, with Lydia learning to drive, and as we visit relatives in Connecticut at the end of the week.

2) for Hannah and Christina as they prepare for the ordination on June 5, and for their getting settled.

3) For the final part of the process of getting our car up and going this week.

4) That we would continue to enjoy our vacation.

5) For the fruitfulness, plans and continuation of our ministry, and for our preparations for Diocesan Convention.

6) For the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us). This is an on-going prayer, and it is a crucial one.

7) For the Albany short term mission trip plans July 19 to 30. There are some deadlines and administrative matters looming when we get back.

8) For our landlady, her husband, and the others in our apartment building. Lease signing is still pending. Several people have asked us about this. Basically, we want our Christian witness to be a good one and to make friends with people in the apartment building, and we want to avoid any unpleasantness that can sometimes occur between tenant and landlord; sometimes these relationships can get pretty nasty, especially at the end of a lease, when people try to settle accounts.

9) For our ministry at the Cathedral in Lima when we return, from June 16 to July 15

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying really makes a difference, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Out and about in the Diocese of Albany, and returning to Lima, Peru, on June 15.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Scripture Prayer

Ephesians 3: 16-19

I’m asking God to give you a gift from the wealth of his glory. I pray that he would give you inner strength and power through his Spirit. Then Christ will live in you through faith. I also pray that love may be the ground into which you sink your roots and on which you have your foundation. This way, with all of God’s people you will be able to understand how wide, long, high, and deep his love is. You will know Christ’s love, which goes far beyond any knowledge. I am praying this so that you may be completely filled with God.

Father God, we pray this prayer for Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge. Please continue to bless them in everything that they do for You. Jesus Christ, Our Savior, continue to dwell in them through faith. Let your love be the foundation of all their work. May they always know and always share how wide and long and high and deep is your love, which goes far beyond any knowledge. Fill the Mudges with your Holy Spirit. Fill them to overflowing so that they may be completely filled with the Holy Spirit and always impart your love and your Spirit to those to whom they minister.

Be with the Mudges this week as they visit family and friends in the U.S. Give them a time of rest and relaxation and refreshment and renewal. Thank You God, three in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail.

I came across a prayer this morning from Bishop Godfrey of Peru that I like praying. Lord, is this is of you, give me more. If this is not of you, protect me.


1) For Hannah´s graduation from Trinity School for Ministry on Saturday, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree with research honors, honors for her Master´s Thesis: "Christ, the King of Glory; a Historical Theology of Hymnody for the Postmodern Church," and that she also received the Nelson Rightmyer Award for Excellence in the Study of Church History.

2) That we arrived in Pittsburgh safely on Friday evening, 24 hours after we left Lima, Peru. From a conversation I had with one Archbishop, by coming in as late as we did, I learned that apparently we had avoided the hail and heavy rains. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers.

3) That Lydia has had an opportunity to spend time with her godparents in the Ambridge, PA, area.

4) For the opportunities to keep up my Spanish while in the US.

5) For the friend of ours in Sewickley, PA, who has loaned us a car and the use of that person´s house. That has been really, really helpful.

6) For the college interview Lydia had today.

7) For the opportunities of the Holy Spirit to transform people's lives by what we do, and to be able to make a difference.

8) For all our supporters: those supporting us financially, and those praying for us. You all are great. You enable us to do the work that God has called us to do, to touch the lives of students and people we know in ways that would not have been possible otherwise.


1) For safe and timely travel this week, and for the transitions that take place going back and forth from Peru to the US, and later from the US to Peru.

2) for Lydia´s college interview on Tuesday, and for the interview process as it unfolds.

3) For the process of getting our car up and going when we arrive in New York State, later in the week; also matters pertaining to Lydia learning to drive while in the US.

4) For the Diocesan Mission gathering at St. John´s in Troy, on Saturday.

5) That we would continue to enjoy our vacation.

6) For the fruitfulness, plans and continuation of our ministry.

7) For the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us). This is an on-going prayer, and it is a crucial one.

8) For the Albany short term mission trip plans July 19 to 30. There are some deadlines and administrative matters looming when we get back.

9) For our landlady, her husband, and the others in our apartment building. Lease signing is still pending.

10) For our ministry at the Cathedral in Lima when we return, from June 16 to
July 15.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying really makes a difference, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mudge Scripture Prayer

Acts 1: 8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you. Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Lord, we praise You for the power and might of Your Holy Spirit. We thank You that Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia have been filled with Your Spirit and have ministered so effectively in Peru for this last year. Now Lord, the Mudges will be traveling for a month in the U.S. We pray for Your Holy Spirit to remain with them in all their activities in Pennsylvania and New York and Connecticut and to the ends of the earth. We especially ask for travel mercies and for guidance and inspiration when they have opportunities to witness about how You have been using them in Lima. And we pray for true rest and relaxation as they reconnect with family and friends. Amen.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May Newsletter

Conversion at knife point.

Wow. The other day, I heard a story about one of the clergy here who recently survived an attempted robbery. A man approached him with a knife and wanted to rob him. The clergyman responded by saying, "I am not afraid. I know where I am going when I die." The assailant fled. I also met the assailant the other day. He now attends the clergyman's mission.

I have heard similar stories in the United States. Somehow, the script does not go as planned for the assailant. God intervenes.

The clergyman's story is an inspiration to me, a reminder that God cares about everyone in all circumstances. It is also a further reminder to me to be prayerfully prepared in any situation.

Saints Augustine Seminary in Peru, where we are faculty, is having its 10th anniversary year. The seminary originated in Arequipa, and now has its main campus in Lima. The first graduation day in Lima was held on 17 April 2010, at Christ the King Diocesan Center in the District of Surco.

Prayer Requests/including our plans:

• For safe and timely travel to and from the US (arriving May 14 and returning to Lima June 15).
• For the courses that begin in August, and Julie's Commission on Ministry interviews.
• For the relationships, priorities, ministries, and finances of God´s people in Peru (including ours).
• For the St. John's, Troy, Mission Gathering, May 22.
• For the Diocese of Albany short-term mission trip in Lima from July 19 to July 31.
• That we may spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Update: 1) Julie, Lydia, and I each have our own Facebook account, now. 2) You can find some videos of Peru on the YouTube account: ShawMJR.

We hope to see you at the annual Convention of the Diocese of Albany in June.

God bless you. Have a great Day of Pentecost, and thank you for your continuing support!

– Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail.

We ascend on Ascension Day. Yes, this week we plan to take off from the airport in Lima on Ascension Day, in order to visit our Hannah´s graduation at Trinity School for Ministry. She is a second generation graduate from TSM in our family.

Additional Thanksgivings:

1) For a good semester at the seminary, here, in Lima. We are on the cusp of exam week, and we are pleased with both the way that the Evangelism and Preaching courses went, and the students´s progress.

2) For the great insights and inspiration that we continue to receive as we get to know the Peruvian people better. I like them, and at the same time, I am becoming a slightly bit acculturated. It has only been a year.

3) For the blessings of friends whom we know. I have had the joy of reconnecting with people I have not been in touch with, for decades, in the past few weeks.

4) For the opportunities of the Holy Spirit to transform people's lives by what we do, and to be able to make a difference. In many ways people here share the same trials and tribulations as we do in North America, and it appears we have been touching people´s lives in a significant way. One person recently told me (a paraphrase): "You were the person there, when I needed someone." Wow.

5) For all our supporters: those supporting us financially, and those praying for us. You all are great. You enable us to do the work that God has called us to do, to touch the lives of students and people we know in ways that would not have been possible otherwise.

6) We enjoyed the Mother´s Day service at the mission of Ascension in the Surco District of Lima on Sunday, 9 May. We enjoyed the evening service on the same day at San Juan Evangelista in the Pamplona Baja section of the San Juan de Miraflores District of Lima (I preached and celebrated). At the evening service, it was really awesome to watch the Holy Spirit at work while I preached. Phenomenal. Wow.


1) For the seminary students as they finish up the studies for this cycle, and for the registration for intensive courses and the next cycle of classes (over the next few months).

The next teaching cycle begins a few days after the Albany short term mission trip heads back up to the US.

So, when we come back to Lima, we plan to continue to prepare for the New Testament and Church History 1 courses, and at the same time, we plan to continue to prepare for the mission trip. At the same time, we plan to be covering duties at the Cathedral for the Dean, in the Miraflores District of Lima. Please pray for a sense of priority and that we would stay focused in God´s plans for us. In addition, Julie has CEMO meetings to fit in during this time period (see below). We plan to continue participating in the monthly healing services at La Ascension in the Surco District of Lima in June and July, as well.

We are also involved with the early planning stages for two new programs at the seminary both of which I think could be very exciting. Your prayers for these programs would be appreciated.

2) For the continuation of our ministry in Lima, and our time of vacation and sharing in the US, keeping first things, first.

3) That we would help transform many lives by what we do, in the US and when we return to Peru.

4) For the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us). This is an on-going prayer, and it is a crucial one.

5) For the Albany short term mission trip plans July 19 to 30, which includes the date of my birthday (which is really great that the team is here for that - it is also the Independence holiday in Peru). Pray for what we are to accomplish on the trip, and for the on-going preparations for this trip in the Diocese of Peru and the Diocese of Albany. If team members would like to meet with us while we are in the Albany area, we would be glad to meet with you. There are some deadlines and administrative matters looming when we get back.

6) For our landlady, her husband, and the others in our apartment building. Lease signing is still pending.

7) For our plans and presence at the graduation at TSM on May 15, Lydia has a college interview on May 17 and May 18, the missions seminar at St. John's in Troy on May 22, the ordinations at the Cathedral on June 5, the Albany Diocesan Convention June 11-13, our anniversary on June 13, our visits to relatives, and at other events over the next month or so; that the Holy Spirit would bless people by our presence and what we say.

8) For the plans over the next few years of the Diocese of Peru and the Anglican seminary here. That the Holy Spirit would lead us down fruitful paths for the Kingdom of Heaven, and keep us away from any unfruitful areas, as necessary.

9) For our ministry at the Cathedral in Lima when we return, from June 16 to July 1. In addition to services there, I may have a baptismal preparation session coming up.

10) For wisdom for Julie as she plans the next commission on ministry (CEMO) interviews in Arequipa and Lima. Keep the CEMO process in your prayers; it is critical for the future of the Diocese. There are a lot of parts and variables as part of this, including flexibility with regards to time frames. This continues when we return.

11) For Lydia as she begins to learn to drive while we are in the US, and also in her pending choices of colleges. She has two college interviews: one on May 17, and one on May 18. (She has just about finished 11th grade, this week.)

12) I don´t know what our communications capabilities will be like over the month we are in the US, so if you do not hear from our prayermail before the middle of June, just keep praying this prayer list, over and over again. Not hearing from us may mean that we need prayer more than ever.

Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference. I pray for you every day, and this being a time of year for weddings and anniversaries, I wish all newlyweds and their parents, and everyone having an anniversary: a blessing from the Holy Spirit on these marriages.

I remember getting married to Julie, and I had stars in my eyes. You know, for me, lately the way that I recapture that moment, is to look at her now with stars in my eyes. It is amazing how life takes on new meaning....

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Scripture Prayer

2 Thessalonians 2:16

God our Father loved us and by his kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. Together with our Lord Jesus Christ, may he encourage and strengthen you to do and say everything that is good.

Father God, the Mudges are beginning a very busy period in their ministry. Be with them in a special way as they prepare, administer and grade final exams for their students. May Your Holy Spirit guide them in their healing and prayer ministries. Keep them safe as they travel and visit with family and friends in Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New York. Send special blessings as their daughter Ruth graduates from TSM and is ordained at the Cathedral. Empower them while speaking or giving workshops at the Missions Seminar in Troy and at the Diocesan Convention in Speculator. Thank You for your encouragement and hope and for the spiritual fruit which is already evident in their Peruvian ministry. Please Lord, continue to encourage and strengthen Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia to do and say everything that is good. Amen.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail.

If you are interested in pictures of the graduation at the seminary about two weeks ago, I refer you to the pictures taken by Jeff Rawn on my Facebook page.
There are also very good pictures of the service itself on the blogsite of the Diocesan Administrator Lic. Rosario Saavedra Placencia
(Charo, and she is the one who took the pictures),

Thank you to Torre Bissell and Jeanne Gizara for their prayer ministry emails. They mean a lot to us.

Additional Thanksgivings:

1) For Lydia's response to the SAT tests, yesterday. She felt comfortable with them. By evening, they were ancient history.

2) For the great insights and inspiration that we continue to receive for our teaching strategy.

3) For the blessings of friends whom we know.

4) For the opportunities of the Holy Spirit to transform people's lives by what we do, and to be able to make a difference.

5) For all our supporters: those supporting us financially, and those praying for us.

6) For Bp. Bill and Bp. Dan and their ministry to the Diocese of Albany. For Bp. Godfrey and his ministry to the Diocese of Peru.

7) For the guitar playing by Fr. Alberto Valdivia at La Ascension in the Surco District in Lima. He is truly awesome.


1) For the seminary students as they enter their final week of studies before exam week.

2) For our ministry in Lima, keeping first things, first.

3) That we would help transform many lives by what we do, especially in the classes we teach, and the healing and prayer ministries.

4) ) For the outcome and steps of the Peruvian Suffragan Bishop election process as it proceeds through the Province, here.

5) For the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us). This is an on-going prayer, and it is a crucial one.

6) For the Albany short term mission trip plans in late July. Pray for the on-going preparations for this trip in the Diocese of Peru and the Diocese of Albany. There are some deadlines and administrative matters looming.

7) For our landlady, her husband, and the others in our apartment building. We sign our next lease this week, sometime.

8) For our plans and presence at the Albany Diocesan Convention, the missions seminar at St. John's in Troy, the ordinations at the Cathedral in June, the graduation at TSM in May, our visits to relatives, and at other events over the next month or so; that the Holy Spirit would bless people by our presence and what we say.

9) For the plans over the next three years of the Diocese of Peru and the Anglican seminary here. That the Holy Spirit would lead us down fruitful paths for the Kingdom of Heaven, and keep us away from any unfruitful areas, as necessary.

10) I have been blessed by quite of number of friends, new friends, and re-aquaintances over Facebook in the past week across 3 to 5 continents if I understand the circumstances correctly, and in some cases, people I have not seen in decades, including a friend of mine from grade-school who has spent time in Lima. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would touch each person and bless them in a fruitful way, this week, and answer the different prayers that they need answered.

Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Scripture Prayer

1 Thessalonians 1: 2-5a and 8

We always thank God for all of you as we remember you in our prayers. In the presence of our God and Father, we never forget that your faith is active, your love is working hard, and your confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ is enduring. Brothers and sisters, we never forget this because we know that God loves you and has chosen you. We know this because the Good News we brought came to you not only with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit, and with complete certainty.

From you the Lord's word has spread out not only through the province of Macedonia and Greece, but also to people everywhere who have heard about your faith in God.

Father God, again this week we thank You and we praise You for the work that the Mudges are doing in Peru. As we remember them in our daily prayers, we never forget that their faith is so active and your love is working so hard through them. We rejoice that their confidence in Jesus is so enduring. We know how much You love Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia. Thank You for choosing them to do special work for You, and infilling them with your Holy Spirit. Thank You that you have been with them and will be with them as they spread the Gospel in Peru and in Pennsylvania and in Connecticut and in the Albany Diocese.

Lord, as the time for travel in the USA approaches, we ask for every travel mercy for the Mudges. Keep them safe. Give them blessed times as they visit with family and friends. And we ask for your guidance as plans for the Albany Diocese's July visit to Peru are firmed up.

Thank You Lord for all of your blessings. Amen.