Visuals Available

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For videos, log on to youtube and type "ShawMJR" in the search box.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail for the week of 1 Advent 2010.


1) Praise God for what he does in the lives of our students.

2) For the responsiveness of our landlady to some repairs that needed to be made. She is going down our list. To date, electrical matters have been addressed, and a cabinet door has been fixed. There are still some items in the works.

3) For the Sunday services we led on the first Sunday in Advent. They were really awesome. Blessings from God.


1) For the intercontinental seminary on-line planning meeting on December 8 to 9, here at the seminary in Lima.

Our particular prayer requests for this meeting:
a) to make it perfectly clear what God is doing and how to make it a reality.
b) for discernment in all this, to guide us, as we as a seminary try to go with what God is blessing.

2) For Julie and I as we learn necessary computer matters relating to on-line seminary teaching our New Testament courses,
to further the seminary´s long-distance teaching capabilities,
and in particular how best to reach more students across Peru and across certain South American countries through on-line courses.

3) For Julie and I as we continue to plan and prepare for February seminary orientation, and our regular courses on Biblical Interpretation. We are team teaching the next course, beginning in February, 2011. These are not on-line courses, yet.

4) For our landlady´s responsiveness and openness to what remains to be done in our apartment.

5) For the final week of our Church History and New Testament classes that we are teaching this teaching cycle (week 8 of 8; then, next week, exam week).

6) For safe and timely travel. We are coming up to the Northern Hemisphere, briefly, for our daughter Hannah´s anticipated ordination the weekend before Christmas. We will stay through New Years, and return to Lima on January 4 while the seminary is on break.
Before the ordination, Lydia may need be taking an on-line final exam from the US, and she could use your prayers for that, that we find the right internet connection, and for her preparations and test taking.

This trip is also an opportunity for Lydia to log in more hours as part of process of getting her driver´s license in New York State (special prayers for us all and our car would be appreciated).

7) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

8) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do.

9) For the construction on the apartment building next door. They are about one floor from completion of the main structure. Looks like a secondary demolition phase has begun this week, out back, near our bedroom window, stirring up dust and whatever has been accumulating in it for years.

Between the irritation from fumes of the petrochemicals used in the wall making process (the most troublesome part, but hopefully coming to a conclusion) to the various kinds of dusts tossed in the air by the wind, my allergies have been taking a hit. In effect, we are living on a construction site. Your prayers would be appreciated. It is one way of getting to know Peru, really well.

We are not sure what this new phase ultimately entails.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying is very important, really makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving in Lima, Peru

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail.


1) Praise God for what he does through the three of us, to transform lives.

2) For the great healing mission in Lima this past week. It has touched many lives of leaders in the churches and missions here.

3) The international on-line education plans for the seminary. God seems to be blessing this in incredible ways. Some time ago, I mentioned plans across South America. Now, there are additional plans to go intercontinental, between dioceses and institutions in North America and South America, in addition to dioceses across South America.


1) For the intercontinental seminary planning meeting on December 8 to 9, here. It is a particularly important meeting, including seminary representatives and bishops from a number of dioceses.

Our particular prayer requests for this meeting:
a) to make it perfectly clear what God is doing and how to make it a reality.
b) for discernment in all this, to guide us, as we as a seminary try to go with what God is blessing.

2) Prayers for me as I continue in my self-studies to learn the intricacies of Spanish for on-line courses and for seminary course implementation. My current background reading is: "La Biblia de la ComputaciĆ³n E Internet," about 1000 pages long.

3) Prayers for Julie and I as we begin to learn one and possible two different on-line computer program packages, in succession, to further the seminary´s long-distance teaching capabilities.

4) For our landlady´s responsiveness and openness to what needs to be done in our apartment.

5) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

6) For the classes we are teaching this next week (week 7 of 8; then, exam week).

7) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do.

8) For the construction on the apartment building next door. For safety for the workers, good building practices, and that the construction noise, fumes, and dust would not be disruptive to our lives. As they work at the higher elevations, I think at times they really benefit from our prayers.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying is very important, really makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving in Lima, Peru.

Scripture Prayer

James 5: 13-15a, 16b

Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. … The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Lord, we thank You for the healing mission in which the Mudges served as small group leaders during the last two weeks. Thank You for every blessing and every grace-filled moment. Thank You for every song of praise that was lifted up to You. We pray that many new people learned of the power of healing prayer. Thank You that every prayer offered in faith makes a sick person well in one way or another. Thank You that you raise up the people praying and those being prayer for. Thank You that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Thank You for your healing grace. Amen.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November Newsletter

Healing and Forgiveness.

I realize that everyone reading this is probably a spiritual giant and that you
have never had a problem with forgiving someone, but have you ever considered
the possibility that you might need to forgive someone of something that the
person did, or forgive them for something that you thought that they did (even if
they did not)? Ouch. If that describes you, welcome to Peru. Recognizing this,
is part of healing.

In the month of November, some friends of ours, Phil and Wendy Coy, whom we
have known for about 32 years, came to Lima to conduct a mission of healing for
clergy and lay leaders in the Diocese. It was a week-long seminary "intensive
course," offered to the Diocese. It was intensive in many ways, and the timing
was right. It was oversubscribed. The organizers had to turn people away.
Julie and I were small group leaders: Julie with a woman's group, and I with a
men's group. There were quite a few men who attended. We helped people in our
groups learn the various facets that were taught by the Coys, including how to
listen to the Holy Spirit. Many people in the Diocese of Peru are
from the poorer areas of the city. They are not accepted by all levels of society.
The need for healing, and the need for developing a healing ministry through the
power of the Holy Spirit is very great.

Perhaps one of the most compelling moments of the course was the point
when a number of people felt that they needed healing because someone had
called them "stupid" which has a much more derogatory connotation in Spanish
than in English. The Holy Spirit had inspired a participant to raise that issue
for everyone to pray about, and the group as a whole prayed for those who wanted
to be prayed for, about this. What a moment. It was a powerful course.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Peru does not celebrate Thanksgiving. Instead, the November national holiday in
Peru is All Saints Day on November 1. But SAMS missionaries in Lima will be
setting aside at least part of the Day of Thanksgiving together at the rectory of
the Cathedral, to thank God for the blessings he has given us. (From there,
Julie and I will go to the seminary, to teach in the evening.)

Prayer Requests:• For the current seminary cycle of
courses (this cycle ends in December)
• For seminary and diocesan plans.
• For our relationships, priorities,
ministries, and finances.

Happy Thanksgiving, God bless you, and thank you for your continuing support! I pray for you, every day.

Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+ and Lydia

Scripture Prayer

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail.


1) Praise God for what he does through the three of us, to transform lives.

2) For the great healing mission in Lima this past week. It continues this next week. It has touched many lives of leaders in the churches and missions here.


1) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

2) For the classes we teach this next week (week 6 of 8, then exam week).

3) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do. Particularly, prayer for our time over the next two weeks as we try to fit our regular work week and healing ministry related matters.

4) For the construction on the apartment building next door. For safety for the workers, good building practices, and that the construction noise, fumes, and dust would not be disruptive to our lives.

(It is now official: most of the former view from our kitchen window has become a wall, though not as much as we thought. Still, it is a substantial wall. There is some light in the kitchen, but not as much as before, so please keep this adjustment in your prayers for the near future. Part of our living room view has become obstructed, as well)

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying is very important, really makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving in Lima, Peru.

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 90: 1-2

O Lord, you have been our refuge throughout every generation.
Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, you were God. You are God from everlasting to everlasting.

Psalm 90: 16-17

Let us, your servants, see what you can do.
Let our children see your glorious power.
Let the kindness of the Lord our God be with us.
Make us successful in everything we do.
Yes, make us successful in everything we do.

We praise You, God, Creator and Master of the universe. You are eternal, omnipotent and all-knowing. But You are kind and merciful and loving above all. Today we pray for your servants in Peru: for Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge and for the Chapmans and the Montgomery’s and all the others whose names we do not know. Let these servants of yours see what you can do. Let those to whom they minister see your glorious power and your love, mercy and kindness too. May these missionaries be successful in everything they do in Your Name. Specifically, Lord, we thank You for the peace that Fr. Shaw has experienced this past week and we ask for special blessings on the healing mission in which the Mudges were engaged this last week and which continues in the week to come. Thank You, Triune God, for all your blessings and grace-filled moments throughout eternity. Amen.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail.

1) Praise God for what he does through the three of us, to transform lives.

2) That Lydia completed her final set of SAT´s yesterday.

3) For your prayers.

4) For two friends of ours who are visiting Lima as part of the healing ministry team here.

5) For the good service that we participated in, at a mission in the Independencia District of Lima, on Sunday.

6) I have had a wonderful sense of God´s peace this week.

7) For the nice walk that Julie and I had together on Saturday as we shopped for some things we needed.

1) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

2) For the classes this next week as we enter the second half of this cycle, and for the special healing training for clergy, lay leaders, and in parishes over the next two weeks.

3) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do. Particularly, prayer for our time over the next two weeks as we try to fit our regular work week and healing ministry related matters.

4) For the Provincial leaders.

5) For the construction on the apartment building next door. For safety for the workers, good building practices, and that the construction noise and dust would not be too disruptive in our lives. I observed this week, that they begin each day with a prayer. I am attaching a photo.

Countdown until the view from our kitchen window disappears (because of the construction): still about one floor or so to go. It is only partially blocked this week.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying is very important, really makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 40: 3
He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

Psalm 40: 5
Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us no one can recount to you;
Were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.

Psalm 40:16
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;
May those who love your salvation always say, “The Lord be exalted!”

Lord, we continue to pray for the ministries of Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge and for Bishop Mike Chapman and his wife, Linda. We thank You for all that You have done in the past week. We pray for the whole diocese of Peru that all involved can work together in unity, guided by your Holy Spirit, ever marching forward and bringing your love and your message to all to whom they minister. May there be a spirit of praise and exaltation in worship and a spirit of trust in You as they obey your orders to go and make disciples. Thank You for all of the blessings that you have already sent to the Mudges. Especially thank You that Lydia has been accepted at the college of her choice. Thank You for your plans for her. And thank You for the wonderful plans you have for the diocese of Peru. Many are the wonders that you have done, and we know that there will be many other wonders. May all who seek You rejoice and be glad. You are exalted, Lord! Amen.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail. All Saints Day is a national holiday in Peru.


1) Praise God for what he does through the three of us, to transform lives.

2) For the leaders of the Diocese of Peru.

3) For our prayer support team and our family.

4) For our students and the faculty of the seminary in Peru.


1) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities. Things have greatly improved.

2) For the classes this week, and for the special healing training for clergy, lay leaders, and in parishes over the next few weeks.

3) For the administrative needs of the seminary and the Diocese. And for the continuing expansion of on-line courses across Peru.

4) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do. There is a lot to do.

5) For the Provincial Synod that is meeting this week in Argentina.

6) For the construction on the new apartment building going up next door to ours. For safety for the workers, good building practices, and that the construction noise and dust would not be too disruptive in our lives.

Countdown until the view from our kitchen window almost completely disappears (because of the construction): about one floor or so to go.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying is very important, really makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia