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Friday, December 24, 2010

Scripture Prayer Dec 19

Jude: 24-25

Give praise to the One who is able to keep you from falling into sin. He will bring you into his heavenly glory without any fault. He will bring you there with great joy. Give praise to the only God. He is our Savior. Glory, majesty, power and authority belong to him. Give praise to him through Jesus Christ our Lord. Give praise to the One who was before all time, who now is, and who will be forever. Amen.

Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Triune God for all eternity, we praise You for every blessing, and especially for the blessing of Jesus Incarnate, Our Savior and Lord. Thank You for the joy of salvation. We give You glory and wonder at your power and authority and majesty. We bring You praise just for Who You Are. And we thank You specifically for Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge. Thank You that they arrived safely in the U.S. Thank You for the ordination to the priesthood of their daughter, Hannah. Bless her mightily and anoint her with Your Holy Spirit so that she will be a mighty warrior for You. Bless the Oaks of Righteousness Ministry. And bless all the Mudges dring their remaining time in the U.S. May they have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and safe travel back to Peru. Thnak You, Father God, Jesus Incarnate, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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