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Friday, March 6, 2009

Weekly Update from Father Shaw

Dear Prayer Partners,

Peace be with you.

Thank you for praying. We sense your prayers regularly. They are an important part of our ministry.

Currently, we are about a week and half from finishing our current program at Mission Training International.

1) The first of our luggage has been received in Peru.
2) Discussions regarding our potential apartment in Lima are moving forward.
3) We are very grateful for all the prayer and financial support we have been receiving.
4) For Mtr. Susan Baker Borjeson and Debbie Fish's willingness to take us to the airport on April 20 (Julie reminds me that we are going to be landing in Peru on the 20th, and not the 21st).

1) for our upcoming visitations:
St. Andrew's in Scotia, March 14 and 15.
St. Sacrement, March 15.
St. Stephen's in Delmar, March 22.
St. John's in Troy, March 29.
2) for language learning, including language routes (see below)
3) tax preparation and internet banking matters
4) necessary documentation that we would need in the various circumstances in Peru
5) for our apartment arrangements.
6) for spiritual, emotional, and physical strength to endure all of God's poking through the rest of the MTI program.

In depth prayer request: What is a language route? We would regularly walk through an area of Lima near where we would live. Each week, on this walk-about, we would regularly visit with several people who would be willing to interact with, as a way of helping us to learn Spanish. So our prayers include finding the right route and finding the right people.

God bless you!

In Christ,

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