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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prayer Mail from Fr. Shaw

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Peace be with you.

Handing in our mail forwarding notice to the Post Office yesterday, brought home in a new way that our departure date for Peru is about 3 weeks away.

1) For everyone who is praying for us and for everyone who is contributing financially to our missionary work.
2) We had a very good presentation at St. John's in Troy this past week.
3) International banking arrangements are finally getting established on solid ground.
4) The joys of Wikipedia en Espanol, and Futbol on ESPN Espanol.
5) We have had a videocam tour (via Skype) of our long-term apartment in Lima.
6) Lydia and Julie had a fruitful college tour.

1) Finalization of our preparations for moving to Peru.
2) Shipping books to Peru.
3) Arrangements for getting settled in Lima.
4) Good Internet connections in Lima.
5) Setting up good international banking arrangements in Lima.
6) Language learning.

Upcoming plans:
Trinity, Lansingburgh, presentation on Wednesday, April 1.
Dinner with another missionary family on April 2.
Visitations with (and saying good-bye to) relatives over the next few weeks.

God bless you,

In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.

Disciples Making Disciples.
DiscĂ­pulos Haciendo DiscĂ­pulos.

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