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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prayer Mail from Father Shaw

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Peace be with you.

This is our regular weekly prayer mail this week, and it is a public one.

Life as a missionary has its moments. This week, we have encountered a bit of spiritual static among our whole family, both here in Lima as well as in the US, but most of it seems to have settled down for the moment, though we are all still on high alert. And, as long as we are preparing for the Life in the Spirit seminar, please keep us all in special prayer; we enter week three of seven in the seminar course, this week.

Praise reports:
1. In various ways we have been discussing aspects of our faith in language class. It is good practice for the future. Sometimes the teacher asks us outright about topics relating to Anglicanism, prayer, the Bible, and so on, and so we respond.

2. We are settling in. I suppose we will continue to settle in further for some time, but we are getting used to our neighborhood, and its ways. This is one sign that we are in the chaos stage.

3. Some of our family members in the US have discovered Skype. They sound like a kid in a candy store when we talk with them. They can't believe they can talk directly to us and see us on video in Peru at no extra cost. Skype has been a good way for us to keep in touch with various family members.

4. Language learning. We're making progress, though from the driver's seat, it seems slower than we'd like. Yet there are moments of assurance that we are on the right path. Today, for example, Julie's teacher mentioned that Julie is making great progress for the amount of time that we have been "in-country." And our teacher has seen quite a few students. I had a compliment yesterday at the Cathedral Spanish service that my Spanish is more Castilian sounding than a month ago (more like someone who is a natural Spanish speaker would sound). And I notice daily that Lydia has a great accent and picks up the language very quickly.

Prayer requests, this week:

1. Spiritual protection

2. Finances in general.

3. Language learning.

4. Preparing to teach.

5. Getting to know Lima.

6. Our continuing relationships with friends, neighbors, and landlady.

It is an honor to pray for you all every day. Thank you for praying for us.

God bless you.

In Christ,

Shaw+ and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.

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