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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prayer Mail from Fr. Shaw Mudge

Dear friends and family,

Peace be with you.

Praise reports:

1) Things continue to move along towards settling in; I would estimate that we have about 1 week to go before we can say that we have moved in. We have been in transition since June 2008.

2) We are continuing to make progress in language learning; we have about 7 weeks to go at language school.

3) We are beginning our first steps in diocesan ministry, assisting Bp. Godfrey in a Life in the Spirit Seminar ("Los Seminarios de Vida en el Epiritu") that will take place over the next 7 weeks, and we are meeting with him regularly to plan the seminars. This course is intended for the people in the ordination process in the Diocese of Peru. Please keep us all in prayer, that the Holy Spirit would move in the hearts and minds of everyone. The course is on Thursday evenings, from 6 pm to 9 pm, Chicago time.

4) We have begun our meetings with Dean Allen Hill concerning the seminary ministry in Lima, and together we have begun to make our initial plans about teaching. As of now, we intend to begin teaching in early October. During August and September, we plan to be preparing our classwork. Please keep this important ministry of teaching in prayer.

5) We continue our plan to get to know the Diocese better, especially in and around Lima.

Prayer requests:
1) Your prayers are very helpful, and we keep praying for you, as well. It seems, that right after I send the weekly prayer mails, that something unexpected seems to pop up. So, keep us in prayer, even if it seems that everything is OK in the prayer mail.

2) Language learning. We continue to move forward and are making great progress daily, but there is a ways to go.

3) For our schedule. Quite a few people look upon us as an opportunity to get something done aside from seminary ministry, and if not careful, we could easily be consumed with projects and opportunities that take us away from our main goals of language learning and seminary teaching. We want to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and his plans for us, here.

4) Our remaining furniture comes this week, such as the bed frames and bookcases. Please keep the remaining part of our move in your prayers.

5) For our health and safety. Always good to keep praying for that. We only had two near death experiences in taxis this past week. They keep us close to Jesus.

6) Finances. Always good to keep them in prayer.

7) If you follow the calendar and experiences of missionaries world-wide, the ministry adjustment phase of "Chaos" is upon us ("chaos" in this sense is a technical term). This is a necessary phase, and helps us prepare for what is ahead. But, unless we missed it, thus far it is a lot like normal living....

God bless you all.

In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Lydia and Julie.

Disciples Making Disciples.
DiscĂ­pulos Haciendo DiscĂ­pulos.

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