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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Prayer by Liv Hicks

Father, I ask for the right maid for the Mudges, one that can see the love of God through their lives, one that is a real help, an honest one, and one that has a sense of humor about Americans. I ask that the Mudges would love and grow to understand the Peruvians through this servant. I pray for the visa and all the other necessary papers to be granted to the Mudges and that they would know as soon as possible even before September 2nd. Help them to feel more and more comfortable in their language skills. Bring them bonuses of fun encounters, help them to continue to learn and be comfortable in the learning processes. Protect them through earth quakes and tremors, protect this whole country from this disaster. Thank You Father for the Mudges, we ask Your blessing on them. In Christ we pray. Amen

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