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Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear Friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail, for December 14.

1) Thanksgiving that our missionary team is coming together.

2) Thanksgiving that we Mudges have gotten through a rather intense two weeks, spiritually stronger.

3) Thanksgiving that our daughter Hannah became a candidate for Holy Orders in the Diocese of Albany.

4) Thanksgiving for our family and friends.

1) The faculty of the seminary are beginning a team sacramental ministry for perhaps two months in the Villa el Salvador district of Lima. Please pray for all of the work at the Mission of Jesus el Salvador, there.

2) For the finances, ministries, priorities, and relationships of the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and ourselves.

3) For the ordination process meetings and presentations that Julie makes, and for our preparations for classes; classes begin on January 25.

4) For our daughter Hannah as she prepares for canonical exams, and for both Ruth and Hannah as they travel for Christmas.

5) For God´s plans for the Arequipa branch of the seminary, which is under current assessment.

6) For the Bishop Suffragan process in the Diocese of Peru, that the Holy Spirit would guide the process, and that our heavenly Father´s will be done.

7) For Bp. Godfrey in his travels outside of Peru, which begin this week, and for those who are covering for him.

8) That you would have a very Merry Christmas.

The next week or so could be particularly challenging, spiritually, perhaps the next several weeks.

Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference. I pray for you every day.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

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