Visuals Available

For lots of photos of the Mudges in Action in Peru, log on to facebook and type "shaw mudge" in the search box.

For videos, log on to youtube and type "ShawMJR" in the search box.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Short Term Mission Wrap-Up

Dear Mission friends and family,
Peace be with you.

This is my final report of the 2010 Albany trip to Peru.

1) They came to change the way things were. They left a lasting impression, and perhaps they were transformed in the process. Everyone on the mission team is a hero of the faith in my eyes.

2) Debbie Gerlach wanted everyone to know that Bishop Bill´s health has bounced back, and keep praying for the occasional residual matter among a few other people.

3) Lydia and I left the team at the airport working their way through the airport process in very good time. We came back to finalize matters here and there. I have two notes and two verbal thank-yous, yet to deliver. Painting equipment will be returned to the Diocese of Peru Diocesan Center in a few days. All remaining clothes and towels that were intentionally left behind have been delivered to the Park residence. The one room-key discovered on the bus has been returned to the convent.

4) The nuns at the convent really liked our group, in part because they really liked interacting with the group.

5) The owner of the bus firm drove us today, but our primary bus driver over the past two weeks and his son accompanied us as well.

6) And I have also had a request for photos from someone who can not get Facebook. It is occurring to me that after the people from the trip arrive home, maybe you could invite them to your church or home to hear what they experienced and show my and their photos on the internet (or via a CD they might have).

7) My regular weekly prayer mail resumes in the next day or so.

8) I am thinking of setting up an ongoing public picture reservoir in Facebook, simply entitled, something like "Peru photos," for people who may be interested.

9) The Albany trip Facebook file contains 145 photos as of this morning. I will add a few more today. To see them, please go to the following link:

For a few Youtube videos of the mission trip, go to and search for "shawmjr." The "Albany trip" videos are the ones from this trip.

10) Keep praying for the team as they integrate back into the US, over the next few weeks. Please keep praying for the Mudges and our continuing part of the work in the Diocese of Peru, as well.

This was an awesome mission trip. This was a great group to be working with, every person. Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible.

Thank you for praying. I keep praying for you every day. It makes a difference.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw+ and on behalf of Julie+ and Lydia

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