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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Short Term Mission Report: July 30

Dear Mission Friends,
Peace be with you.

Today was the final full day of the mission trip with preparations underway for tomorrow´s return, resting, wrapping up a few remaining administrative items, some shopping for uniquely Peruvian gifts, early packing, and a Holy Eucharist in the evening at which Bp. Bill presided. Fr. Mike Chapman dropped by at dinner time.

The Holy Eucharist marked a farewell to Julie by the group. She and Susan Park head for Arequipa tomorrow for a few days on Commission on Ministry (CEMO) matters, via Peruvian Airlines, on a flight before the mission team departs. Julie plans to return to Lima in time for the seminary classes that she will be teaching in Lima next week, as well as for the beginning of Lydia´s next school class cycle in Peru.

Please pray for safe and timely travel for Julie and Susan as well as for the Mission team. Departure preparations for the mission team get into full swing early, with the bus arriving at the convent 11 am, loading the bus before lunch, and departure from the convent taking place about 1 pm (just after lunch), hopefully getting to the airport about 2 pm or 2:30 pm (depending on traffic).

Lydia and I plan to be their escort in the bus to the airport. After a few airport matters, Lydia and I will return to our section of Lima by taxi, to take care of final matters relating to the mission trip. The mission team´s plane is scheduled to depart in late afternoon. They have a longer layover in Colombia on the way back than they had coming down, so there is a higher probability that they will not run into the same flight problem that they had on the way to Lima.

Please keep ailing members of the mission team in your prayers.

Shortly, today´s photos will be on my Facebook webpage. There are about 125 photos on the webpage:

God bless you, and thank you for praying for us. I pray for you every day.

In Christ,
Shaw+ and on behalf of Julie+ and Lydia

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