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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Short Term Mission Report: July 24

Dear Friends in Christ,
Peace be with you.

This is today´s report from the Albany mission trip to Lima, Peru.

Temperatures are a bit on the chilly side on the coast at night, but not life-threatening as in some parts of the sierras. During the day, it was rather pleasant in Lima, and quite a few people were surfing (in wetsuits).

There were two parts of the day, today, for the mission team:

1) Youth ministry at a mission in the Villa El Salvador section of Lima in the morning. A photo is attached.

2) Catching up on things like laundry, changing money, preparing for tomorrow, and taking a walk through a park in the Miraflores District of Lima with a good view of the ocean.

Tomorrow is a full day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+ and Lydia.

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