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Saturday, July 17, 2010

July Newsletter

Resting in our Lord

It is July.

For most people reading this, the summer has been really hot, on occasion. For us, south of the equator, however, it is winter. We are breaking out sweaters and space heaters because there is no central heating, the walls are not insulated, and the humidity makes the room temperature feel cooler than it is.

But our response to the temperature is also a sign that we have adjusted to the climate. Last year, coming directly from New York State, we would not have noticed the cold, but now that we have lived here a while, we have noticed the cold just like everyone else who lives here.

However, spiritually, the Holy Spirit continues to blaze in our work, regardless of the temperature.

Borrowing an idea from the book Treasure Hunt (suggested to our family by several clergy in the Diocese of Albany when we were at Diocesan Convention), one of the things that we have noticed, is that if we take time out each day (maybe just for up to three minutes a day), and listen to what God would have us do for that day; the practice is like resting in the Holy Trinity.

This practice helps to keep us from being too busy to do anything effectively. This rest helps us to prioritize and to prepare for the day. One such example was this past Saturday, when we visited a mission north of Lima.

On Saturday morning, in my prayer time, I waited and listened for a few minutes for what God might say. In that time, I had the impression that at least one of us was supposed to pray for someone, and I had a visual image of something white and in the shape of a square that the person was holding in her left arm.

At the end of the day, Julie asked a few of us to pray for a woman, who was holding in her left arm, white diapers similar to the shape that I had seen in my quiet time. The lady needed prayer for healing, and we prayed for her. The results continue to be in God´s hands.

Prayer Requests:

• For the Diocese of Albany short-term mission trip in Lima from July 19 to July 31.
• For our relationships, priorities, ministries, and finances.

A great thank you to the Diocese of Albany for its gift from Diocesan Convention.

God bless you, and thank you for your continuing support!

– Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

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