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Friday, July 23, 2010

Albany Short Term Mission Update July 22

Dear mission friends,

Peace be with you.

It was a very good day today in Lima, Peru.

We were at Christ the King Diocesan Center in the District of Surco, the same building where the Mission of the AscensiĆ³n is and where the seminary is. We return tomorrow.

Accomplishments and noted events:
Some team members saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time, today.

Part one of a wall mural for the nursery in the Mission of the Ascension began. A photo of the mural from earlier in the day is attached. The team started with a blank wall. One of the recent seminary graduates drew the template, and the team is painting it. The work continues tomorrow.

The NGO office is being painted at the Diocesan Center. NGO stands for "Non-governmental organization," and this NGO is an organization that coordinates a lot of the diocesan social outreach work. The painting continues tomorrow.

Study Bibles and history books were taken to the seminary.

Team members were able to make Internet and or Skype connections with family members and friends.

Fr. Mike Chapman made a brief cameo appearance at one point during the day, en route to a meeting in the same building.

The team joined with members of the Church of the Ascension to go out into the neighborhood to invite people in the neighborhood to the Sunday healing service this coming Sunday morning. We went in small groups. One of our bus driver´s sons was part of one of the teams.

Part 2 of the trek through the neighborhood continues tomorrow. Initially, this was a stretching moment for some, but in the end, from the reports, this appeared to be a very positive experience.

The mission team leaders and the diocesan support team both have been fantastic and are coordinating well. The team itself is a great one. Top notch.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

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