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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Short Term Mission Report: July 28

Dear Friends in Christ,
Peace be with you.

We had a cultural day today, to know more about Peru. We visited Pachacamac in the Province of Lima on the coast, and we learned that the view of the Inca Empire from a Peruvian perspective is that the Incas were a warrior empire. I have heard elsewhere that they forceably relocated whole villages. We learned that, at the temple of the Son at Pachacamac, twice a year they sacrificed a daughter from one of the ruling families, usually about age 30. I am thankful that Jesus is our once-for-all sacrifice.

You may wonder how a trip to Pachacamac ties into mission. Pachacamac helps us understand Peruvian culture, and when we understand Peruvian culture, we understand the people better, to minister better. And as I was talking with Fr. Gus Calvo about the religious customs of the Incas that we heard from our guide, it suddenly occurred to me how the religious practices factored into the life of the Incas, and I was struck by parallels that exist in contemporary Peruvian culture.

Furthermore, Peruvians have asked us Mudges from time to time if we have visited Pachacamac, as an indication of our commitment to the people of Peru. Because Pachacamac is not just about the Incan Empire, it is also about the 3 other empires prior to the Incas, dating back to about 200 AD, at this one location.

I had a wonderful birthday that included a party at our apartment this evening. Among the attending guests were the Albany Mission team, Bp. Godfrey of Peru and Judith his beloved, and Fr. Mike Chapman and Linda, his beloved.

Lydia's slumber party is going well.

Two of our members are feeling slightly under the weather. Please pray for their swift recovery, and we ask for prayers of protection for all the team members' health. Please pray also for the agenda, tomorrow, and that we would do what the Holy Spirit would guide us to do.

There are about 107 photos of our Peruvian trip on my Facebook page, in public format, if you are interested.

Some videos from the Albany trip to Peru are about to be placed on my Youtube website. Search "shawmjr" at if you would like to see them.

Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Father Shaw

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