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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Short Term Mission Report: July 29

Dear Friends in Christ,
Peace be with you.

This was the second-to-last day of the short-term mission trip from Albany to Lima, Peru, this year.

Notable events of the day:
1) This was the last day of traveling with our bus driver (and his family).

The slumber party and Mudges were about half-way to the convent this morning, where the rest of the group was, when our travel bus turned a corner to where we were, on its way to the convent as well. This enabled us to ride the rest of the way. So, this morning, it was a 10 minute walk and then ride, instead of the usual 20 minute brisk pace walk to the convent. Most importantly, it was God's timing.

The spouse of our bus driver brought the group some mazamorra (jelly, fruit, purple pudding-juice made from purple corn.)

2) We visited the Archaeological Museum, one of the top museums in Peru, covering the history of Peru from early man to the recent past. Just about everyone wanted to go through the pre-colombian section, so we spent our time there.

3) Then, we stopped at the Anglican Cathedral of the Good Shepherd for a tour, and to drop off the team's work clothes and tools. The work clothes will be donated to women of the Diocese to help raise funds. The tools are to be used by the Diocese of Peru for future work projects.

4) After lunch, we went to the Inca Market to buy gifts and such.

Please pray for the team members as they begin to transition to the United States, and as they begin to integrate their experiences here with their lives in the US.

For family members and personal friends of the team members: everyone on both continents will have had experiences that the others have not. Perhaps the team's lives will have changed for ever. Maybe their story will inspire other young people too come to Peru. Maybe you will be inspired to come join us in the work, here in Peru, on another short-term mission trip.

Pray that God would guide us all, in the days and months to come. The team still has a day here, but their thoughts are beginning to head home. This has been a very good group, and we appreciate the fact that they have gone out of their way to include us as part of the team.

Team members on the whole have been healthy, but your continued prayers for ailing members, would be appreciated.

God bless you all, and thank you for your prayers. I pray for you every day.

Padre Shaw Mudge, on behalf of Julie+ and Lydia

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