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Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly winter public prayer mail.

Weather conditions, for the benefit of short term mission trip arriving on July 16, appear after the prayers:


1) For the amount of work accomplished in the past week, yet again. Seminary classwork development in Lima is coming along on the classes we are planning to teach. Short term mission trip plans have really moved along well. CEMO (ordination process) plans are moving forward.

2) For the Sunday service that we led at the Cathedral on Sunday which included healing prayer. The service and the sermon had an excellent reception. May God use them to his glory.

3) For the steps being taken for the next phases of Lydia´s education. This week, she applied to the nearby Christian school for courses that would meet her needs and schedule.

4) For the opportunities before us to transform lives by what we do.

5) For Lydia´s youth group activities.


1) For fruitfulness and discernment, for the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us).

2) For the Albany/Peru short term mission trip that arrives on July 19, including safe and timely travel throughout the trip, and that everything would go according to plan, that is, according to God´s plan.

3) For our remaining ministry work at the Cathedral. Our last week in this cycle is this next Sunday, and it includes a service of baptism.

4) For Julie´s Commission on Ministry interview plans over the next four weeks in Lima (July) and Arequipa (early August), and for Lydia's college application process. There is currently an aggressive schedule in the works in accordance with the plans of Bishop Godfrey.

5) For matters that need repairing at our apartment, and a way forward on getting all that taken care of. We had progress with the water heater this week.

6) For class registration on Monday, July 12, in the evening, and for the Diocese of Worcester short-term mission trip visitors to the seminary, tentatively scheduled for August 16 and 19.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying really makes a difference, and I pray for you every day.

Weather: especially as a guide for members of the short-term mission team who may want to know what the weather is like at the moment:

Today, at 8 am Lima time (which was 9 am, Albany time), our skies were overcast. The humidity continued to be very high. At 61 degrees F., our area temperature was about 14 degrees cooler than in Albany at the same moment.

It is possible (but not certain) that we might encounter granua or even llovizna at some point during the day (which is a range of moisture when visibility is less than one kilometer: from a very fine mist - granua - to almost droplets - llovizna).

High daily temperatures are projected to be in the upper sixties all week with accompanying overcast skies, perhaps reaching 70 on Saturday. Perhaps the first clear skies will appear this week on Saturday, as well. Lows all week are projected to be in the mid-to upper 50s.

We keep on hand a sunscreen of SPF 45 for use if we are going to be outside for an extended length of time when the sun is shining.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving in Lima, Peru

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