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Monday, September 6, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail. I have a thought at the end if you would like to pray further for Peru and our ministry here.


1) For what we have been able to accomplish this teaching cycle, so far.

2) The blessings we experience each week.

3) For what God is doing, here in Peru, in general.

4) For what we have been able to accomplish with the ordination processes, here.

5) For the great service we had today at La Ascension. The music was great. Fr. Alberto preached a great sermon on Philemon and forgiveness, and it was a Mudge Sunday with my celebrating, Julie in a supporting role, and Lydia as acolyte.

6) The party in one of the parishioner's homes that we went to yesterday. It was a blessing.


1) For our relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

2) For the students in our classes this week, the changes in the schedule due to the preparations for the consecration on Saturday, and for what we are teaching.

3) We would like prayer for the preparations for the next cycle of classes.

4) For the consecration of Fr. Mike Chapman at the Cathedral in Lima, on Saturday.

5) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do.

6) For the growth of the Mission of La Ascension, where we have been attending.

7) Mayoral elections are coming up in October. Please keep these in your prayers.

8) Lydia's college application process.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying really makes a difference, and I pray for you every day.

And here is the idea:

I have some pictures of our adventures in Peru on my Facebook page. Consider praying for what you see in the pictures, or as the Lord leads. If you wish, write a prayer in the comment section of the picture, for others to pray. Pray as the Lord leads. It is kind of like the Prayer Table idea. You pray for people or circumstances as you meet them in the photos.

Here is the latest link (All photos are available to be seen by anyone in the world, so you do not have to sign up to be a Facebook friend, and also to keep in mind as you write something):

I also enjoy answering questions that people have about the pictures (and your asking questions may help you focus your prayers), though in some cases it may be best not to list a specific person's name or a specific address. I do not mind explaining what is happening in a picture or answering any cultural question that you may have.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

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