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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail.


1) For the consecration of Fr. Mike Chapman as Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Peru.
Some brief videos from the end of the service can be found on the following webpage:

2) That Spring approaches. For the great flower show yesterday in our District in Lima. Praise God for beauty. Photos from it can be found among the photos on:

3) For the great service we had on Sunday at La Ascension. All three Mudges were involved. I like the fact that our family can have a great time working together as a team.

4) For the visit of Fr. Charles Smith and Elaina, his beloved, to the Diocese of Peru.

5) That everyone in our family has basically recovered from colds (due to changes in temperature of the weather).


1) For our relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

2) For the students in the final week of classes this cycle. Next week is their final exam week.

3) For preparations and students for the next cycle of classes which begins the second week in October.

4) For the administrative needs of the seminary and the Diocese.

5) That we would be able to keep on top of all the daily things that we need to do.

6) For the growth of the Mission of La Ascension, where we have been attending.

7) Mayoral elections are coming up in October, in each District in Lima, and for the Mayor of the entire city. Please keep these in your prayers.

8) For Lydia's college application process. It is almost complete, except for a reference and something else. She could hear back in a few weeks from the time when all the papers are in.

9) For Church Pension Group paperwork that needs to be completed, as well as other administrative matters in our lives.

10) For the construction on the new apartment building going up next door to ours. For safety for the workers, good building practices, and that the construction would not be too disruptive in our lives.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying really makes a difference, and I pray for you every day.
God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving in Lima, Peru.

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