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Monday, October 11, 2010

Monthly Newsletter Octpber 2010

Some Assembly Required.

One of my great-grandfathers was a partner in General Builders Supply in New York City. And I continue the family interest in building things, creating things, making things great: like churches, people, and ministries. That is part of what we missionaries do.

And sometimes it seems like there is very little progress. In fact the opposite of going "up" seems to be true: we dig holes in the ground, metaphorically. But digging down is for planting seeds, in order to start the upwards movement (holes in the ground for plants), and for creating a strong foundation (holes in the ground for buildings). And that is what we do in the seminary. Ours is a ministry of holiness. We prepare for growth and building for future ministry. And at the moment, it appears that the seminary´s ministry, itself, will now grow to include on-line courses across Peru and even across South America.

But before we see outward progress of the on-line ministry, we are doing a lot of hidden preparation, preparation that cannot be seen, but is important: such as getting course materials prepared, getting computer programs and websites up and going. So, you may not see too much right away, but over the next few years, I anticipate a fair amount will be visible.

We are making progress.

It is officially Spring.... south of the Equator.

You all could be enjoying the wonderful fall colors at the moment. Meanwhile, we have the potential of more and more sun shining through the daily clouds. That is one indication that Spring has officially arrived, here. Well, it is sort of like "Indian Spring", you might say, in Lima. A bit of winter creeps in, every now and then.

Prayer Requests:

• For the current seminary cycle of courses
• For seminary and diocesan administrative matters.
• For our relationships, priorities, ministries, and finances.

God bless you, and thank you for your continuing support! I pray for you, every day.

– Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

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