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Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

Thank you for praying for us.

A) Thanksgivings:
1) That we enjoy the ministries that we are doing.
2) This week Lydia began helping with an after-school program at a mission.
3) Julie celebrates a birthday tomorrow. We have plans.
4) That the road construction near our apartment is nearing completion and looks great.

B) Prayers:
1) There is a special prayer emphasis this week here for diocesan and seminary finances, ministries, and priorities. (I am sure that is a prayer request that we could pray for all of us, and not just the Diocese and the seminary, and not just the Mudges, but for everyone who reads this, so I invite you to pray for all of us in our prayer team as well, for this. I hope you don't mind, but we care about you, too.)
2) Lydia's visa process could use a jump start; at the moment it does not seem to be making more progress. We have plan B in the works, but we would like plan A to work.
3) That we would continue to bless people in our ministries.
4) For our brother in Christ, Nigel Mumford, who is ailing at the moment.

God bless you.

Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you daily.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

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