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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dear friends in Prayer,

This is our prayer public mail, for 3 November 09:


1) We have had some great weather here today, perhaps the clearest day in years.

2) We had a great time with "Mudge Sunday" during the All Saints Day service at Ascension Mission in Surco yesterday morning, and we had a great time at a mission last night in San Juan de Miraflores. Both services were wonderful. We sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit at both.

3) Our seminary classroom teaching seems to be going very well.

4) The Diocese of Albany mission trip to Peru next summer under the leadership of Fr. Gus Calvo has been approved by Bp. Godfrey. We look forward to seeing everyone who will be here.

5) Our mission work was mentioned in the current edition of the Trinity School for Ministry publication: Seed and Harvest. They included a photo of us, as well as the now famous Mother's Day octopus that we ate.

Prayer requests:

1) Our daughter Hannah is still in flu recovery, so we would appreciate your continued prayers for her.

2) Continued prayer for Lydia's visa process. The document we are waiting for, is en route from the US to us.

3) Prayer for priorities, finances, and mission work for the Diocese of Peru, the seminary, and ourselves. Pray that we would continue to be a blessing to everyone we work with and with whom we meet.

4) For travel safety as we go out and about. Taxis are very inexpensive here, but there can be a trade-off. I am reminded by the taxi drivers from time to time to make sure that our doors are locked in certain parts of the city. This is in addition to prayers for protection from auto accidents, several times each week. (It can be exciting when our taxi's engine dies in the middle of a busy intersection.) We can sense your prayers, and praise God.

God bless you.
Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you every day.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru.

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