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Monday, November 30, 2009

Prayer Mail

St. Andrew, Apostle
30 November 09

Dear Friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly prayer mail.


1) Thanksgiving for the good healing service on Sunday evening at Ascension, and for my preaching at the service, in Spanish, and mostly without notes for the first time. The sermon was well received.

2) Thanksgiving for our goddaughter's wedding on Saturday in Tennessee.

3) Thanksgiving that the ordination process for the diocese is underway.

4) Thanksgiving for the great thanksgiving celebrations we shared this week.

5) Thanksgiving that Nigel Mumford is doing much better.

6) Thanksgiving for the prayer ministry of Torre and Jean Bissell.

Prayer requests:

1) Prayer for Lydia's visa process. Thanks to the support of Bp. Godfrey, we may actually see a conclusion to the matter on Thursday. It is not over until it is over.... so keep praying.

2) Prayer for fellow faculty member (Arequipa campus) and missionary Ron Robertson who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this past week. He is currently in hospital in the United States.

3) Prayer for:
a) the presentation that I make on Saturday to an ex-pat teenage youth group who will be meeting in our apartment (presentation in English).
b) I will also be celebrating at the Mission of Ascension on Sunday, and will be preaching and celebrating at the mission of San Juan Evangelista inSan Juan de Miraflores (a district of Lima) on December 13th; both services will be in Spanish.
Pray the that Holy Spirit would move in the hearts and minds of everyone attending both services.

4) Prayer for the planning, preparations, ministries, and finances of the Anglican Diocese of Peru, the Saints Augustine Seminary, and the Mudges.

5) Prayer for the preparations of the Diocese of Albany short-term mission trip to Peru next year.

6) Prayer especially for Julie and for everyone in the Diocese of Peru, as the ordination process gets underway (clergy, lay people, diocesan staff). The process has been formally announced over the past two weeks. Julie has some informational meetings coming up on December 7 and 14 in Lima, and is planning a trip for similar kinds of meetings to Arequipa, either on the week-end of December 12th or the 19th. After that, comes the interview stage. Please pray for the people who are likely to be ordained on May 1.

7) Prayer for students, faculty, and administrators of the seminary in Lima, this week. It is final exam week and the last week of the academic year. The next academic year begins on January 25th.

Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.
Lima, Peru.

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