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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear Friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our public prayer mail for 17 November 09:


1) We hear that Lydia's visa process may be finalized as early as Thursday. One day at a time.

2) The Hari-Krishna restaurant has been silent this week.

3) This week, Julie has made great strides in developing an official ordination process in conjunction with the plans of Bp. Godfrey for the Diocese of Peru.

4) This week, I have made great strides with the help of Bp. Godfrey and the Rector of the seminary in developing a process for Diocesan Anglican Assessments (type of General Ordination examinations).

5) I believe that my preaching was fine at the parish on Sunday. I hope that people were blessed by it.

Prayer requests:

1) For the seminary students, and for the people in the ordination process. Particular weeks to keep in mind: the week of Nov 30 (exam week), the week of December 6, and the week of December 13. Ordination meetings will be taking place in the cities of Lima (central coast) and Arequipa (southern highlands).

2) For the priorities, ministries, resources, and finances of the Anglican Diocese of Peru, the seminary, and for us.

3) For the Provincial Youth leader retreat this coming weekend (that Lydia will be attending), and the Life of the Spirit seminar during that retreat with which Julie and I will be helping.

4) For the remaining two weeks of classes and the mentoring groups that we lead.

Thank you for praying for us. Your continuing prayer support really makes a different. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie, and Lydia.
Lima, Peru

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