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Monday, April 5, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.
This is a public prayer mail.


1) For a great Holy Week and for the beginning of the Easter Season. The Holy Spirit has been blessing the various services we attended, led, preached during, and helped with.

2) I feel resurrected. After our last prayer mail, my "recovery" from a cold, nose-dived (if you pardon the pun). It became apparent to Julie and myself on Wednesday evening ("Tenebrae" on the liturgical calendar), that I was was wrestling with more than flesh and blood. Julie, Lydia, and I prayed an hour and a half, after which time, my health improved dramatically.

3) For the opportunity to serve at the Cathedral in Lima over the next few months.

4) That the Holy Spirit is moving in our lives to make a difference.

5) For the nice fall weather.

6) That it is a lot easier to do the Maundy Thursday footwashing with people in sandals in Lima, than with the corresponding footwear in the US, even though people´s feet are dirtier because of sandals. The culture of this desert climate makes this service very much like the way things would have been in the Middle East in the time of Jesus. It is a very joyful service.


1) For the people, ministries, budgets, and resources associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and missionaries in Peru (including us).

2) For the Albany short term mission trip plans in late July.

3) For our landlady and her husband as our lease renewal time approaches next month. We are deciding to stay in our current apartment.

4) For Julie at the New Wineskins and the SAMS worldwide conference this week, for preparations (and the trip of) Julie, Lydia, and I, in the US from mid-May to mid-June, and for travel arrangements.

5) That the Holy Spirit would raise up the next clerical leadership for Jesus el Salvador, soon.

6) For our liturgical ministry at the Cathedral in Lima, over the months between now and mid-July.

7) For our students and our teaching, as classes resume next week.

8) For the graduation retreat, followed by graduation weekend on April 17.

9) For the diocesan ordinations on May 1.

10) For Julie as she tries to do a mid-course correction, a periodic fine-tuning of her ministry priorities.

Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

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