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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail.


1) We have had some really good services this week. The largest one was a major funeral on Thursday at the Cathedral. And the regular worship services (and the healing service on Sunday evening) were good as well. I think that the Holy Spirit has touched a lot of lives through this ministry.

2) For the progress that the students are making in the evangelism and the preaching classes.

3) For the opportunities to transform people's lives by what we do, and to be able to make a difference.

4) For a walk Julie, Lydia, and I took on Sunday in the San Isidro District of Lima through a park that was once an olive grove.

5) For the youth ministry activities that Lydia has been involved in this past week or so.

6) That Lydia is nearing the end of 11th grade.

7) For my family, here and in the U.S. They are awesome. I am so glad to be part of their lives. Wow.

8) For the healing service on Sunday evening at La AscensiĆ³n in the Surco District of Lima. We were very pleased with the results.


1) For the several meetings this week with regards to seminary plans and diocesan needs.

2) That we would help transform many lives by what we do, especially in the classes we teach, and the healing and prayer ministries.

3) For the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us). This is an on-going prayer, and it is a crucial one.

4) For the Albany short term mission trip plans in late July. Pray for the on-going preparations in the Diocese of Peru and the Diocese of Albany.

5) For our landlady, her husband, and the others in our apartment building. We sign our new lease next week. Up to now, there have been discussions. Shortly, we begin the implementation part.

6) For our plans at the Albany Diocesan Convention.

Thank you for praying for us. It really makes a difference. I noticed a sense of God's peace and presence this week, particularly, after the funeral on Wednesday, and I attribute it to the Holy Spirit's response to the people who have been praying. And I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

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