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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail. We are on vacation, and sometimes during this time, we have access to Internet service. Because of our travels and the intermittent Internet service, the prayer mail was a day or two later this week.


1) For the United States, for our family and friends, for our vacation, and for Lydia's good driving lessons, for our experiences and ministry in Peru.

2) That we now are up to four college visits this vacation for Lydia, and not just the two original ones. As we talk with people, more ideas emerge. Thank you to everyone who has helped us consider our options.

3) That the plans for the Diocesan Short-term Mission trip in Peru in July are making progress.

4) For the opportunities of the Holy Spirit to transform people's lives by what we do, and to be able to make a difference. Thank you for your part in praying for that.

5) That our car was able to get going without too much inconvenience.

6) For all the people who are showing an interest in what we do in Peru, for those who ask us what it is like to live and work in Lima. I like your questions, and thank you to everyone who likes to read our weekly prayer mails and/or our monthly newsletters.


1) For the family of Harold Knight, Julie's maternal uncle, and the brother-in-law of Julie's mom, who died on Thursday, last week. The memorial service was held on Saturday, in Fort Worth, Texas. We were visiting with Julie's folks in Connecticut over the weekend. Because of health and logistical reasons, Julie's parents were unable to attend the service. Please pray for Julie's family at this time, as well.

2) For safe and timely travel this week, in our goings back and forth, with Lydia learning to drive.

3) for Hannah Mudge and Christina Vance as they prepare for the ordination on June 5 and for their getting started with Church planting in Troy. For our family, as we begin to absorb the great number of people coming for this event, and please pray for people who are not able to attend but who would have liked to have attended.

4) That our daughter Ruth, in the Chicago area, would find fulfilling employment, and that her personal and work related goals would be able to be accomplished.

5) That we would continue to enjoy our vacation.

6) For Lydia's SAT preparations (second time), for a suitable college choice, and for continued good driving experiences.

7) For my brother and his vision for the farm he just bought in Connecticut.

8) For Julie's and my parents' plans for the future.

9) For suitable employment for Julie's sister and brother-in-law.

10) For the fruitfulness, plans and continuation of our ministry, and for our preparations for Diocesan Convention.

11) For the people, relationships, ministries, finances, resources, and priorities associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us). This is an on-going prayer, and it is a crucial one.

12) For the Albany short term mission trip plans July 19 to 30. There are some deadlines and administrative matters looming when we get back.

13) For our landlady, her husband, and the others in our apartment building. Lease signing is still pending. Several people have asked us about this.

14) For our ministry at the Cathedral in Lima when we return, from June 16 to July 15

One additional note:
yesterday, we visited where we had lived in Connecticut before venturing forth to the Diocese of Albany. Things were different at the house. Then, I drove to where our family business had been located in upstate Connecticut, and the building was no more. The building has been replaced by a hotel and by a Chilis restaurant. I am reminded, yet again, that life is transitory, and I am reminded to keep my eye fixed on the permanence of eternal verities.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying really makes a difference, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Out and about in the Diocese of Albany, and returning to Lima, Peru, on June 15.

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