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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 90: 16-17

Let us your servants, see what you can do.
Let our children see your glorious power.
Let the kindness of the Lord our God be with us.
Make us successful in everything we do.
Yes, make us successful in everything we do.

Lord, God, we ask that you continue to bless Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge as they continue their ministry in Peru. Give them your perfect discernment so that they do only what you want them to do, and success will be guaranteed. Let the Mudges see what can be done in Peru as they help You to transform this country just as streams of water bring a desert to life. Fill the Mudges to overflowing with your Holy Spirit and let the Peruvians see your glorious power. Cover them with your kindness and your love.

We thank You, Lord, for the time that the Mudges spent in the U.S. Thank You for keeping them safe in their travels. Thank You especially for the ordination of Hannah to the diaconate. Bless Hannah Mudge and her friend, Christina Vance, as they discern your will in the planting of a church in Troy, NY. Thank You for the many blessings of the Diocesan Convention and the mission components of that wonderful weekend. Amen.

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