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Friday, April 10, 2009

Prayer Mail from Father Shaw

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Peace be with you.

"You are not simply packing a few things in luggage, you are moving a ministry center."

Wow, those words hit home today. That is exactly what we are doing. Details. Details. Details. Sometimes progress seems to be measured in millimeters. And the clock keeps ticking. In about a week and a half we will be in Peru. Then comes the potential undefined communications black-out, and on the far side of it we will be back in contact.

This is the second to last prayer mail before we go. Wow. Yes, we are excited! Yes, there is a lot to do.

Thanksgivings: we are accomplishing a lot. We have had a great time saying good-bye to Ruth in Chicago, Hannah in Ambridge, and the clergy of the Diocese at the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. But we will miss everyone. That is part of the paradox of moving.

Most of our luggage has gone. The books are going to Peru by M-bags today. Most of the address updates have been made. Most of the financial matters have been finalized. So far, a good foundation has been set for moving forward. I have had more of an opportunity to do some background reading on Latin America, particularly Peru.

God has blessed us in many ways, both through friends here and in Peru who are helping us make this a good transition.

Prayer request: we have a ways to go, and are at the point where we are making those final decisions before we go. Then the actual move, and the settling down in one place, followed by another. Help us to focus on what the Holy Spirit would have us do.

God bless you.
In Jesus,

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