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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fr. Shaw's Prayer Mail: June 30

Dear Friends in Christ,

Peace be with you, and thank you for praying for us.

This is a public prayer mail.

Primary thanksgivings:

1. Language learning. Today we had a different language teacher. She thought Julie and I were in great shape considering the amount of time we have been in Peru. We had to explain that we did not start in the Advanced level two months ago, rather, that we started lower down the language learning levels at the Intermediate level. I am guessing that we are doing better than most would at this stage.

2. Adjustments to country. I think we are doing just fine. Moments of anxiety, moments of peace. That is the chaos stage for you. It is a lot like commuting.

3. Skype is rather handy for talking with family and friends.


1. The next three weeks in the Life of the Spirit seminar. We will have a more pronounced leadership role over the next few weeks than in the past few weeks (and we are teaching in Spanish). In addition, I have been asked by Bp. Godfrey to lead the Holy Eucharist (in Spanish), this Thursday.

As someone mentioned to us this past week, that perhaps a swimming analogy applies to us: it seems that we are being thrown into a pool, and that is how we learn to swim. (I seem to remember that when someone is thrown into such a pool, the first few strokes may not be pretty.) Pray that we would learn how to swim, and quickly (metaphorically speaking).

2a. Continuing improvement in Spanish after Julie and my course ends in a few weeks.

2b. Lydia has a bit farther to go at the language school than we do, and other homeschooling courses resume shortly for her. Please pray for Lydia in this time of transition.

2c. We would like your prayers for putting together a program of language study after language school, and we ask your prayers that our speaking ability and comprehension will improve. Apparently, we are entering deeper waters in language learning, where the best thing to do is practice, practice, practice. We would like appropriate and sufficient opportunities (not too few, not too many, just right).

3. Daily finances, and stewardship of time and resources.

4. Getting through the chaos-stage of adjustments in Peru.

5. The residential visa process, that is just beginning. We are trying to transition from tourist visa category to residential (longer term) visa category.

6. Continued prayers for our family members, particularly for Ruth and Hannah.

7. Course preparation during August and September for what we will be teaching in October.

8. Continuing good relationships with our landlady and people in our apartment building.

9. Participation in the life of the Diocese. Julie has been asked to put together and Chair a committee that coordinates matters pertaining to the people in the ordination process of the Diocese, for Bishop Godfrey.

God bless you. I remember you daily in my prayers.

In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.

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