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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fr. Shaw's Prayer Mail

Dear Friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This week's prayer mail:

Praise reports:

a) Language school is almost at an end, and language learning and language application continue. Now we move more into the next phase of ministry and preparing for teaching.

b) Our residential visa process has begun.

c) We are enjoying the seasonable weather and the hospitality of our Lima friends in Christ.

d) I am beginning to dream and think in Spanish. Wow! I think I am passing through the chaos phase.

Prayer requests:

a) The Life in the Spirit prayer session is on Thursday evening. Please pray for the people participating.

b) I have been asked to preach and be the celebrant at a Holy Eucharist for a congregation in Lima this coming Sunday, in Spanish. Please pray that I would say what the Holy Spirit would have me say.

c) Our language skills are in good shape, but we would appreciate your continuing to keep us in prayer for comprehension, speaking, and learning. Also, pray for our next continued steps in language learning.

d) We are beginning to minister to the lives of the people around us, in addition to the preparatory work for teaching and other diocesan ministries, here.

e) We would like continued prayers for good health, good relationships with our landlady, and our financial circumstances.

f) Lydia and Julie resume homeschooling in a few weeks. Lydia will still continue with her Spanish lessons once homeschooling begins.

g) Our residential visa process takes two important steps in the next few weeks: forms to fill out at the diocesan office on Thursday, and then a short trip to Arica (Chile) for a day or so, and then returning to Lima to continue the process. These are necessary steps, and your prayers are needed at each part.

God bless you all. I continue to pray for you, every day. Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference.

In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.
Lima, Peru

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