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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

Praise reports this week:

1. The Life in the Spirit Seminar prayer session went well last Thursday. I am sure that many lives will be touched in a positive way by what the seminarians experienced.

2. We are getting to know the diocese a bit better.

3. Our language skills improve daily.

4. Julie's chemistry supplies have arrived.

Prayer requests:

1. Preparing for teaching in October. We plan to be teaching "Introduction to Old Testament" and an introductory theology course.

2. Improved Spanish speaking and comprehension.

3. Budget and priorities.

4. Improvement with cell phones.

5. A smooth visa process.

6. Health protection from el gripe (flu): H1 N1.

7. For the final week or two of the Life in the Spirit Seminar, remaining. It is unclear at this point, precisely how many weeks are left.

8. Continuing good terms with our landlady and the people in our building.

9. That we would be a good witness for Christ wherever we go, and that the Kingdom of God would spread by what we do.

Things of note:

Prayer requests from the parish we frequently attend (AscensiĆ³n), this week include:
for the economy,
for the end of the flu,
for all the missions in the Diocese,
for the country of Peru in this month of celebrating its founding.

Additional comments pertaining to the above:

The national equivalent of 4th of July in Peru is on July 28th. I only have one sibling, my brother. He lives in Connecticut, and his birthday is on the 4th of July. Mine is on the 28th of July. However, due to the concern over the flu here, the government has cancelled the usual parades, and schools are taking an extra two weeks vacation, in hopes of minimizing the flu's effects. So, pray for irradication of the flu.

This week, the Bishop has issued special instructions to the Diocese for the administration of the elements of Holy Eucharist, in light of increased concern about the flu, nationally.

Having said all that, we do not have any symptoms of the flu, and we do not personally know anyone who has the flu, but there is a daily count in the local newspaper for the country. Prayer for us is precautionary at this point, and prayer is important for the people of the country.

Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.
Lima, Peru

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