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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail for 13 March 2011.


1) Nothing much happened when the residual of the Japanese tsunami reached Peru. Precautions were taken. Things went well.

2) We had our annual ant swarm in the kitchen, but Julie attended to it quickly. The weather was nice. They descended by the hundreds.

3) We received permission from Inter-varsity press to translate/arrange to translate a great book on evangelism into Spanish for our classes. We have in mind a person to do this. The book is called "True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing in," by James Choung.

4) For the continuing progress we are making with on-line education development.

5) For the progress we are making with our summer plans.

6) For our first vidmail that went out this week.


When I think of what is happening in Japan, this week´s prayer requests seem kind of small. But then, I remember that what matters to each of us, matters to God, so whether great or small by our standards, he cares for each of us and our requests.

1) For our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, and for those who are suffering privately as well as those who are suffering in more public ways.

2) For our visa and residency card situation upgrade. We went to Interpol and Migraciones this week, to arrange for needed papers. Next step, call Migraciones shortly, to see what the step after that is. It is possible, with a large dose of realism, possible that the remaining step may be to get our cards. We will see.

Number of days left on our tourist visas: about 111.

3) For upcoming meetings and appointments.

4) We are moving forward with arrangements for Lydia´s going to college trip in July/August. Prayers for this trip would be appreciated, times to visit churches in the Diocese of Albany, to talk about our work in Peru.

5) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and for our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

6) That we would be able to keep on top of all the things that God would like us to do.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you,
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

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