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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,
Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail for 21 March 2011.

Fall is here. Temperature fluctations. Please pray for everyone´s health with the changes in temperatures, and welcome to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.


1) I was glad to be able to see the full moon yesterday, even with the cloud cover. It is mind boggling sometimes to think that you all in the northern hemisphere, and we in the southern hemisphere, all see the same moon at the same time.

2) We had a great time this week and especially yesterday in our cross section jaunt of Lima, Peru (including date-night with Julie). Here is a video link to the Angican mission in Oasis which is one of places where we were yesterday:
In Oasis is a mission, of the mission of La Ascension where we worship. We may be leading a once-every-three-month Holy Eucharist there over the upcoming months, rotating with other clergy at La Ascension. Tons of kids. No running water in that section of town. A desert.

3) We had dinner with Bp. Michael Chapman the other night (he´s back). Keep Bp. Mike and Linda in your prayers as they implement their plans and ministries. He and Linda are totally awesome.

4) Had a great email note from a son of Hiram Bingham this week. Hiram Bingham was one of the two potential role models for the character of Indiana Jones. Hiram Bingham was a Yale university faculty member who was the archaeologist who discovered Machu Picchu (the 100th year anniversary of the discovery is in July, this year). He later became Governor of the State of Connecticut.

5) Thank you to everyone who was in touch with us, this week, in various ways. You all are great.

6) I had a great conversation yesterday with someone about the way Peruvians are taught in their educational system, from very young through college, and about the changes at the university level over the past few decades. This kind of knowledge helps to make our teaching methods more effective in the Peruvian context.


1) For the ministry of the Anglican Mission in Oasis and our role in that. The mission would like prayers for an increase in teams of volunteers from the community and prayer for ways to reach parents though team ministry (fathers and mothers). The mission runs effectively on a shoe-string budget of about $30 a month; that is a recent increase from the more traditional $15 a month.

2) For our visa and residency card situation upgrade. Hopefully we will hear something about our next step, soon.
Number of days left on our tourist visas: about 105.

3) For upcoming meetings and appointments, and adjustments in our schedules relating to ramping up for on-line courses.

4) We are moving forward with arrangements for Lydia´s going to college trip in July/August. Prayers for this trip would be appreciated, times to visit churches in the Diocese of Albany, to talk about our work in Peru. If you would like us to visit, please let us know.

5) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and for our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

6) That we would be able to keep on top of all the things that God would like us to do. Tax season approacheth, and we would like prayer that we file everything correctly.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you,
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving in Lima, Peru.

DiscĂ­pulos que hacen discĂ­pulos
Disciples Making Disciples


YouTube allows certain music on its videos. I added some of their praise music sound tracks to two videos of our taxi ride through Villa El Salvador, yesterday, and I thought you might like to listen to them. I do.

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