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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Scripture Prayer

Proverbs 1: 1-7a

The proverbs of Solomon, David’s son who was king of Israel, given to grasp wisdom and discipline, to understand deep thoughts, to acquire the discipline of wise behavior—righteousness and justice and fairness—to give insight to gullible people, to give knowledge and foresight to the young—a wise person will listen and continue to learn, and an understanding person will gain direction—to understand a proverb and a clever saying, the words of wise people and their riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

Lord, we pray for Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge. We pray that You continue to send them wisdom and that they continue to exercise discipline in their lives of ministry in Peru. May their ministry always be full of righteousness, justice and fairness as they give insight and knowledge and spiritual insight to the people of Peru. May they continue to learn and gain direction from You as they live in awe and reverence of You, that reverence being the beginning of knowledge.

We also pray Lord for a final resolution to the visa issue, for guidance as the Mudges plan for Lydia’s start at college and the trip to the USA for that purpose, for continuing progress in on-line education. As always, we pray for the relationships and spiritual protection of all missionaries and diocesan team members in Peru and for their ministries, finances, resources and priorities. Amen.

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