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Monday, February 7, 2011

Prayer Mail

This is our weekly public prayer mail for Tuesday, 8 Febrero 2011. It is winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere.

There are so many accomplishments this week, it is hard to remember them all.

1) The canonical exams went well on Saturday, and we have had time to look them over, to a great extent (a miracle in itself)

2) A meeting we had to strengthen ties between Peru and a Cathedral in North America went well yesterday.

3) Things are coming together nicely for the beginning of the seminary school year; orientation is this week. Still a bit to do. I now have about 12 short videos on YouTube for orientation week and the first classes that Julie and I teach this cycle.

4) Lydia is gaining a bit of independence as she learns some of the bus routes, for the things she needs to do to help the seminary, and as she begins her ISCL courses this week. Taking the bus sounds easy if you have Albany area bus service in mind.

(But try doing this in Spanish with no printed bus routes, working through the various prices per destination verbally with the attendants on board the buses, and hoping that the buses actually stop at the bus stops.

It does sort itself out with a bit of effort, a bit of self-organization, and experience. And she gets to take the buses, by herself, daily.)

5) The first on-line course of the seminary is going to start next week on the book of Romans (being taught by the Rector of the seminary), and there are students lined up across several geographic locations.


1) For our visa and residency card situation. We move into the next phase today (Tuesday) with the ubiquitous form F-007 and a trip to Migraciones in the morning.

Number of days left on our tourist visas: about 147.

2) For Julie and I as we continue to plan and prepare for seminary orientation and our courses on Biblical Interpretation. We have weekly meetings with the Rector of the seminary on Mondays at 10 am.

3) For our part in leading services at the Mision of La Ascension during the month of February. I celebrate this coming Sunday.

4) For the finalization of a liturgy book that I am compiling, for my use in services. It combines the latest version of Bp. Godfrey´s Peruvian rites with the Spanish version of the Book of Common Prayer that we also use. Hopefully, I can finish it this week.

5) For Julie´s CEMO interviews with people in the ordination process over the next few weeks (Commission on Ministry).

6) For Lydia as she begins her travels by bus, by herself.

7) For our plans to lead services at other missions in the Lima area over the next few months.

8) For the relationships and spiritual protection of missionaries and other diocesan team members in Peru, and our ministries, finances, resources, and priorities.

9) That we would be able to keep on top of all the things that God would like us to do.

Thank you for praying for us. Your praying makes a difference for us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia

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