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Monday, January 4, 2010

Prayer Mail Dec 28, 2009

Dear friends in prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail for 28 December 09.


1) Thanksgiving for Christmas celebrations, and the fireworks in Lima, this year. About fireworks: imagine the main Albany fireworks on the fourth of July, but with that same intensity in every park and section in Lima especially for 20 minutes from about Midnight on December 24, everywhere at the same time, and you get the idea.

2) Thanksgiving for Skype videocalls with relatives in the United States.

3) Thanksgiving for the people whom Jesus brought to the church service at Jesus el Salvador on Christmas Day to celebrate his birth with us. Julie preached. I celebrated. We prayed for individual spiritual blessings for people. Lydia liked the music and the sermon. It was great.

4) Thanksgiving for our friends here and in the United States.

5) Thanksgiving for the blessings and fruit that the Holy Spirit is producing through the mission endeavor in Peru.

6) Thanksgiving that Lydia has been asked to help with Sunday School ministry at Ascension.

Prayer requests:

1) Prayer for our heavenly Father´s mission, ministries, plans, resources, and relationships in the Diocese of Peru, and among the seminary staff and students, and in all the missionary families (including us), here, that through all of the people working together in harmony with God´s intentions, many lives would be transformed in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God.

2) Prayer for the two missions and for the seminary work that we are currently involved with. The missions are La Ascencion in the Surco District of Lima, and Jesus el Salvador in the Villa el Salvador District of Lima.

3) Prayer for particular upcoming events:

January 3 (annual parish meeting at La Ascencion)

January 6, the 6:30 pm service at Jesus el Salvador (Shaw is celebrating); this is the final day for nominations for the Bishop Suffragan election, here.

January 10, the 11 am service at Ascension (Shaw is preaching)

4) Prayer for discernment of God´s plans for Lydia during summer break (summer break is now).

Thank you very much for praying for us. It really, really makes a difference. I pray for you every day.

God bless you and your family.

In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.
Lima, Peru

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