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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in Prayer,

Peace be with you.
This is our weekly public prayer mail of 26 January 2010.


1) That we are well on the way to recovering from the cold that passed through our family and well on the way to recovering from the secondary health issues related to that.

2) That Lydia had a great time this past week as one of the youth leaders of a youth arts and sports program here, a week-long summer program for Peruvian young people, put together by Rock-the-World.

3) That the service went well on Sunday at La Ascencion.

4) For all the people who have been contributing to our mission effort by their prayers, finances and other resources.

5) That the Holy Spirit is moving in the congregations in which we minister. We are hearing good reports about what is happening when we are leading the services. Thank you for praying for these missions.

6) For all the amazing things that the Lord is doing in our lives and through us. It is truly awe inspiring, and I believe that the movement of the Holy Spirit has a lot to do with the prayers that our prayer partners pray for us (that would be you).


1) For the relationships, ministries, finances, planning, and prioritizing associated with the Diocese of Peru, Saints Augustine seminary, and the Missionaries in Peru (including us).

2) For the Sunday service that we will be involved with at La Ascencion this week (I am celebrating and Julie is preaching), and for the healing service in which we will both participate in the evening of February 7.

3) For our family both here and in the US.

4) For the Bishops Suffragan selection process underway in the Diocese of Peru, and for the upcoming election in March.

5) For the course and orientation preparations currently underway at the seminary, as well as for the preparations and plans for the graduation service in April.

6) For the Albany short term mission trip plans and preparations (the Diocesan mission trip is scheduled for late July). We want this to be a really good trip for everyone, to accomplish what God has in mind.

7) For our visitation to the US this year, including 1) Julie at New Wineskins and the SAMS worldwide conference in April in North Carolina, and 2) Julie, Lydia, and I in Pennsylvania and New York State/Connecticut in May/June, including our Diocesan Convention plans.

Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference. I pray for you every day.

God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

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