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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear Friends in Prayer,

Peace be with you.

This is our weekly public prayer mail.

Lydia captured some of the New Year´s Day fireworks on camera (from midnight to about 12:20 am). They were awesome.

1) For the prayer and ministry partnership of Julie, Lydia, and myself. I like our family team. It is an awesome combination that Jesus put together.

2) For New Year´s contacts with family and friends in the United States.

3) For the celebrations and services in which we have participated, over the past week.

4) For the progress we have been making in our course preparations.

5) We had an exciting moment this week with an earth tremor that was a bit stronger than usual. I have never felt flooring in our apartment ripple under my feet, before. (I do not recommend seeing the movie "2012" prior to experiencing one of these.) Praise God that the tremor was minor.

Prayer requests:
1) For the ministries, relationships, and finances of the Diocese of Peru, the seminary, and the missionaries here, including ourselves.

2) For the services upcoming in the next week: I celebrate an Epiphany service at Jesus el Salvador in the Villa el Salvador district of Lima at 6:30 pm on Wednesday. I celebrate and preach at Ascencion in the Surco district of Lima at 11 am on Sunday. That the Holy Spirit would move in a mighty way in both services, and for spiritual protection.

3) For the Council (Vestry) meeting at Ascencion on Thursday 6:30 pm, followed by a special prayer ministry situation.

4) For our daughter Hannah, this week, who is taking canonical exams at the Spiritual Life Center.

5) For the nominations for Bishops Suffragan, deadline is: up to January 6.

6) Believe it or not, January is the time for one of two annual stamps on our carnets, at Migraciones for Julie, Lydia, and me. Please pray that the process would go smoothly.

7) For Mike and Linda Chapman who move into our condominium on the 8th.

8) For good relationships with our landlady.

9) Julie has upcoming Commission on Ministry meetings to schedule. She would appreciate your prayers for the timing and content of the meetings.

Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you daily, in Spanish. Your prayers make a significant difference.

God bless you.

In Christ,

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