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Friday, January 15, 2010

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 150:


Praise God in his holy place.
Praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his mighty acts.
Praise him for his immense greatness.
Praise him with sound from horns.
Praise him with harps and lyres.
Praise him with tambourines and dancing.
Praise him with stringed instruments and flutes.
Praise him with loud cymbals.
Praise him with crashing cymbals.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, and Precious Holy Spirit, we praise you with everything that we have. Thank You for your mighty acts and for your immense greatness. Especially thank you for everything that you do through Father Shaw and Mother Julie and Lydia Mudge. Thank you for the outstanding year that they have had as they began their mission work in Peru. Thank You for all that You are going to do through them in this new year of 2010. We pray especially for the worship services that they lead and participate in. May there be lots of praise and joyful noise and plentiful gifts of the Spirit. Amen.

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