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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Prayer Mail

Dear Friends in Prayer,

The Peace of the Lord be with you.

This is our weekly public Prayer Mail, 11 January 2010:


1) For the sermon and service at the Mission of Ascencion this past Sunday. The Holy Spirit was busy touching lives.

2) For our daughter Hannah having completed her canonical exams and having had a good meeting with the Commission on Ministry this week.

3) That the Chapmans have moved into our condominium.

4) For the good parish Council meeting at the Mission of Ascencion this week.

5) For good relations with our landlady this week.

6) For the Christmas presents that we received from our family this week.

7) For the various friends we have both here and in the United States, and the times we can share together whether by Skype, by sharing a meal, or in other ways.

8) For the time that we have been able to intentionally take, to be family here.


1) For the ministries, relationships, and finances of: the Diocese of Peru, the seminary of the Saints Augustine, and the missionaries here, including our Mudge family.

2) For the people nominated for the Bishops Suffragan election, here.

3) For our daughters and other family members in their life and ministry.

4) For our part in the service at the Mission of Jesus el Salvador, this coming Sunday, that lives would be blessed by the Holy Spirit during that time.

5) For the plans, ministries, and other matters pertaining to the Diocese of Albany short-term mission trip to Lima, Peru in late July.

6) For our course preparation work on evangelism and preaching, and for beginning of the year orientation preparation (school year begins in February).

7) For the week-long intensive course on world mission at the Diocesan Center this week, 7 to 9 pm, Monday through Friday. The speakers are Meredith Borel and Orlando Otarola, and for the time that they may spend with our family, this week. Pray that lives would be transformed by their ministry here.

8) For the 17 goals handed out at the annual meeting of the Mission of Ascencion for 2010.

9) For the continuing saga of getting the stamps put on our carnet: next phase, waiting for the return of Bp. Godfrey in February, I believe.

10) For continuing good relationships with our landlady and with the people in our apartment building.

God bless you.

Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you every day, and praying makes a difference.

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia
Lima, Peru

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