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Friday, May 1, 2009

A Note from Mother Julia

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your continued prayers. We are meeting many of the expected challenges of entering a new culture and a new language. So there are a few things you can pray for:

**** Pray for our health: Shaw has had some type of flu, and we are dealing with the traditional traveler’s bug. (Shaw says he is now in a vertical position, and loving it!)

****Tiredness: Being in a new culture is exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally. Please lift us up in this area.

****Decisions to be made: In the next few weeks we have to make decisions about setting up our home, which means buying beds and furniture, pots and pans, etc. All this takes time and energy and we want to be good stewards in all of this.

We are loving the people, the food, and the weather. Our visit to the seminary where we will be teaching made us know again in our hearts that this is right where we are supposed to be.

Thank you for your prayers. Know that you are on our minds and in our hearts as well.

Julia Mudge (on behalf of the Mudge family)

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