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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prayer Mail from Father Shaw

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Peace be with you.

We move into our more permanent apartment in about 20 days. There is a lot to do between now and then. Please keep this in your prayers.

Recently I came down with a 48 hour bug of some kind. Praise God, I am fine! It must have simply been adjustment bug of some kind. Sooner or later everyone´s body seems to undergo some adjustment, exept Lydia´s it seems.....

Praise report
We are making friends, especially Lydia, and our language skills are improving. One key to getting to know a culture is to bring a 15 year old daughter with you.....

Prayer requests
1. Language learning.
2. Moving apartments.
3. Communication arrangements. What do we really need?
4. Learning Lima.

I was pondering where I could go and totally immerse myself in Spanish with the vocabularly I would need to be able to teach the courses that I need to teach, and the thought occurred to me that sitting in on other classes being taught would be a good plan. I think everyone thinks it is a great idea, but how to do that is a logistical challenge until we move. So, I would appreciate your keeping that idea in prayer, as well.

Language class begins in about 5 minutes.

God bless you. I pray for you daily. Thank you for praying for us. It makes a difference.

This can be a public prayer message, as you desire.

In Christ,

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.

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