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Friday, May 29, 2009

Prayer Mail from Fr. Shaw

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Peace be with you.

I started to write you on Memorial Day observed. There are war memorials to both Americans and British at the Anglican Cathedral of the Good Shepherd in Lima.

Praise reports:
1) We just started to move into our new apartment on May 25th, Monday. It's a start of several days of moving in. Considering the potential pitfalls, this has been a very good move, so far.

2) We are getting to know Lima. Today, I bought an etiquette book written for people living in Lima: "Ese dedo meñique..." This is one of many ways to get to know the culture of Lima.

3) We are approaching our one month anniversary in language school. Language school has been very helpful. Every day, something comes together in a new way.

Prayer requests:
1) For the move. While it has been a good move so far, it seems that we keep uncovering things that need attention. Pray that we will remain on good terms with our landlady, and that things will continue to go smoothly.

2) Communications. We keep getting closer to the ideal situation, but we are not there quite yet. Our internet is up and going (somewhat tenuously at the moment), but if Vonage is going to work, we still need some additional matters taken care of.

3) Getting to know Lima. A veteran missionary said something that I think is true: "everything takes twice as long as you think it will, and three times as long as it should." I am reminded of three qualities that are important for a missionary: a sense of humor, organizational skills, and flexibility. I think we are doing rather well, but this is always something to keep in prayer.

If all goes according to established missionary patterns, in about two weeks, we should be entering the stage of adjustment entitled "chaos," in which it all suddenly catches up with you, and the "honeymoon" phase has been completed. You may remember that stage if you have moved from place to place, yourself. But once you get through that stage of chaos, then you land on solid ground with both feet, and the country begins to make more sense, and you keep going. So, keep us in prayer as we go through this phase of adjustment.

4) Preparation for our ministry. We had a meeting with the Bishop of Peru this past week, and he apparently gave us a green light to go ahead, because he asked us to begin the licensing process, and he personally introduced Lydia to quite a few people at the Cathedral during a reception on Saturday (an occasion of 3 ordinations). I plan to meet with the Dean of the Seminary next week to discuss teaching plans.

5) Language learning. It is a lifelong process, even though we are making more immediate progress. There is always more to learn. People in Lima speak very fast, compared to elsewhere in the country, and the manner of speaking seems to vary from person to person. So, keep our language comprehension and our ability to speak into situations, in your prayers.

6) Health. The water in Lima is good, and in our part of the city, it has chlorine in it. But everyone drinks bottled water, Inca Cola, Chicha Morada, or tea, or something, instead. However, sooner or later, you end up eating something that, well..., may not agree with you. Happens to everyone, even veteran missionaries. The discomfort does not last too long, but it is a subject to keep in prayer.

I continue to pray for you all daily. Thank you for your prayers. You and your prayers really make a difference for us.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Shaw, and on behalf of Julie and Lydia.

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